
What To Expect Of Physical Therapy


Your doctor may have ordered you to receive physical therapy for an injury, mobility issues or for another physical ailment. If this is the case, you are probably wondering what physical therapy involves and what you can expect from it. This article will help to give you a clear understanding of what you can expect to get out of physical therapy and what the sessions will be like. What to expect out of the first visit

1 September 2015

Preparing For Your Baby: 4 Birth Defects To Be Aware Of


Although most babies are born perfectly healthy, some can suffer birth defects. There have been new treatments developed for birth defects in recent years, but some of these defects can still severely impact a child's life. If you are pregnant, there are four birth defects that you should educate yourself about. Spina Bifida According to March of Dimes, spina bifida is the most frequent neural birth defect in babies and occurs when the bones in the spine do not come together properly.

26 August 2015

4 Common Weight Loss Mistakes


Obesity is a major problem in the United States. In fact, 35.1 percent of Americans who are 20 and over are considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Losing weight is no simple task, and it is easy to make some mistakes along the way. Here are four common weight loss mistakes: Trying to Out-Exercise a Bad Diet If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you might think regular physical activity can fix a bad diet.

26 August 2015

Your Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer


Your doctor has informed you that you have developed prostate cancer. This slow growing disease often has no symptoms, but can become a serious problem if not treated. There are several treatment options and you should understand the pros and cons of each one. Here are the typical approaches used for prostate cancer treatment and what you can expect from each. Active Surveillance Your doctor may use a different term, such as watchful waiting, so make sure you fully understand what they mean.

26 August 2015

3 Signs Your Child May Have ADHD


Are you concerned about your child's performance in school? Or are you worried about your child's ability to pay attention to even the most basic instructions? If so, it may have crossed your mind that your child has ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is common among young children. It's not always obvious if ADHD is the cause of a child's problems though. Many of the symptoms of ADHD are common among many children, so an inability to pay attention doesn't necessarily mean that a child has the disorder.

24 August 2015

Recovery Time: Da Vinci Hysterectomy Versus A Traditional Hysterectomy


A hysterectomy may be in your future due to heavy menstrual cycles, fibroids, endometriosis or other gynecological problems. Many women dread this type of surgery because they don't have time in their busy schedules for a long recovery. They may put off visiting their gynecologist because they hope the problem will disappear over time. Generally, this is not the case, and prolonging the situation may make matters worse. Recuperative Period for a Traditional Hysterectomy

21 August 2015

Immunotherapy May Control Your Allergy Symptoms


You may think allergy shots are just for kids, but that isn't true. Adults can benefit from this type of allergy treatment too. Allergies can develop at any age, and whether your allergies are new or you have battled them for years, receiving the shots could help you control your symptoms. The shots work for a wide range of allergens, but they are not helpful for food allergies. Here are some other things you should know.

21 August 2015