Moving to a new town comes with a lot of tasks to get done. Not only do you have to get all of your belongings moved, but you have to make changes to your medical care facilities. So, when you get to your new home town, do you know what health care clinics you can rely on for the care of your family? Will you couple your family's healthcare with both a clinic and a PCP? This blog will give you several suggestions about how to manage the changes in your family's healthcare adaptations to ensure you receive the best possible care in your new home town.
Antibiotics have are wonderful group of drugs that when used carefully and properly, are a very important tool to fight disease and aid in healing injuries. However, there are six things you should know about their use.
1. The improper use of antibiotics is causing superbugs.
Antibiotics will kill most bacteria but there can be some that are resistant to its effects. These drug-resistant bacteria are much harder to treat, and they are multiplying and spreading. To counteract this problem, it is recommended that you only take an antibiotic when necessary and finish taking the complete prescription as directed. Also, to prevent the spread of disease, wash your hands thoroughly often during the day.
2. They are worthless against viruses and fungal infections.
Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections.
There are other types of medicines that may help with a virus or a fungal infection. Many viruses are best prevented by vaccinations. Sometimes you have to just weather through a virus and use medicines and home remedies that alleviate symptoms.
Fungal infections like fungal meningitis can be deadly and need immediate medical treatment with antifungal medications, others can cause significant health problems if not treated promptly.
3. Antibiotics can cause or exacerbate fungal infections.
Antibiotics can cause you to get thrush (fungal infection inside the mouth and throat)or a vaginal infection.
Thrush most often affects infants, small children, or adults with weakened immune systems. To avoid this, cut down on sugar and yeast-containing foods, don't smoke, don't overuse mouthwash, and practice good dental hygiene. Thrush is treated with an oral antifungal medication that is taken for 10-14 days.
To prevent most fungal infections while taking antibiotics, you should take lactobacillus acidophilus tablets or eat yoghurt that contains live cultures daily. It is smart to limit your sugar intake and wear cotton underwear. Also, you should avoid using products that contain fragrances or powders in the genital area for the duration of the antibiotic.
4. Antibiotics can also cause bacterial overgrowth.
Long-term use of broad spectrum antibiotics can cause an overgrowth of natural bacteria like clostridium difficile which will lead to a intestinal illness commonly called C-diff. This can cause watery diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Treatment may include: a prescription for metronidazole, probiotics, and increased fluid intake.
5. You need to use the right type of antibiotic for your problem.
Some antibiotics are stronger than others. Your physician will use the weakest one that they believe will help you overcome the infection. If that doesn't help, they may try a stronger one or prescribe a different kind of medication/treatment.
Some types of antibiotics are more effective for certain conditions and areas of the body. As examples, penicillin can be indicated for ear and sinus infections or venereal diseases like gonorrhea or syphilis, whereas an aminoglycoside type antibiotic like streptomycin would be more effective for a throat infection, and a quinolone-type like ciprofloxacin could be used for a urinary infection or even anthrax.
6. You can be allergic to certain classes of antibiotics.
You could be allergic to one class of antibiotics and not another. If you are on one and experience the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention right away:
If you are experiencing a milder allergic reaction, do not go off your medication until you consult your doctor. Otherwise your medical condition could worsen and you could develop a resistance to antibiotics. A different medication or treatment may be used to treat your problem if you have an intolerable reaction to one medication.
7. Buying and using antibiotics from a pet store is unsafe and counterproductive.
It has become a practice for some people to bypass the doctor (or dentist) and go buy antibiotics manufactured for pets. This is wrong for these reasons:
If you feel ill, visit a physician (such as one from Monticello Clinic) and have them properly diagnose the condition. Then they can prescribe the best and most appropriate form of treatment for you, so you can get better quickly and spare yourself some additional problems.
Share4 September 2015