A Quick Overview Of Radiation Treatments For Breast Cancer


If you've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, there is a good chance your doctor will recommend radiation treatments at some point. Each case of cancer is different, so your treatment plan will be unique to you when it comes to the timing of the treatments and the type of radiation you receive. Here is a quick look at when radiation treatments are usually started and the two options available.

2 February 2017

Newborn's First Appointment? 4 Tips To Help You Get Through It


Taking your newborn baby to his or her first pediatric doctor's appointment can be extremely stressful, as you don't know what to expect. Luckily, pediatricians are used to dealing with stressed-to-the-max parents and are ready to be with you every single step of the way. However, before stepping foot into the pediatrician's office, there are a few things that you should know and do: 1. Ensure Your Make the Appointment on Time.

9 January 2017