managing healthcare in a new town

Moving to a new town comes with a lot of tasks to get done. Not only do you have to get all of your belongings moved, but you have to make changes to your medical care facilities. So, when you get to your new home town, do you know what health care clinics you can rely on for the care of your family? Will you couple your family's healthcare with both a clinic and a PCP? This blog will give you several suggestions about how to manage the changes in your family's healthcare adaptations to ensure you receive the best possible care in your new home town.

Muscle Twitches And Kaleidoscope Eyes: What Your Eyes Are Trying To Tell You


So much of what people do relies on their vision. You learn, watch, and do by using vision. While it is true that people with blindness are able to adapt, people who have seen everything most of their lives find it much harder to transition to a world of darkness. That is why it is so important to pay attention to any weird things that your eyes do, and see your eye doctor for anything out of the ordinary. Here are a few weird eye things that people report and what those odd occurrences with your eyes are trying to tell you. 

Muscle Twitches

Have you ever been going along through your day and all of a sudden your eyelid just twitches? It could be the upper lid, lower lid, corner of your eye, or what feels like something over your eyeball. These spasms in the small ocular muscles could be something as minor as misfirings of bioelectric impulses or as major as vision fatigue. Electric current travels through all muscles; it is how the brain receives many of the signals of movement from your muscles. Misfiring of these impulses causes muscles to twitch, which is normal and fine for most people. In people who are spending too much time staring at something without blinking and not moving away from screens, the twitches are trying to tell you to give your eyes a big break and a long rest. 

Kaleidoscope Eyes

Remember when The Beatles sang about the "girl with kaleidoscope eyes?" It was entirely figurative, but this is a real condition—of sorts. People who start seeing crescents and spheres that look like they are peering through a moving kaleidoscope have a real medical condition. It is called "ocular migraines," and it is not a pleasant thing at all.

Your vision becomes fully occluded by these gyrating, pixelated, colored shapes, which is then followed up by a headache of the most uncomfortable kind. Sometimes your vision is affected for twenty minutes, sometimes for an hour or more. It would be a good idea for you to visit an eye doctor's office (such as Quality Eye Care) to see if there is any other medical reason why you are getting ocular migraines. One reason for these migraines is hypertension, which applies extra pressure to the blood vessels in your eyeballs and creates the perfect storm for this type of migraine. The doctor can examine your eyes from the back—by the retinas—to see if there is another reason for this very real problem. 


1 October 2019